Teaching Focus

Medical Students and GP Registrars

Eastern Medical Centre seeks to provide support to future doctors and nurses. This is achieved by providing onsite training for Nursing students, placement for medical students of various universities and General Practitioner training.

There will be times when we will ask you (prior to your consultation) if you are willing to have either a medical student, nursing student or GP Registrar present.

It is of great benefit for these students/registrars to observe a consultation and we are grateful for your participation. However, this is totally optional and we will understand if you refuse. We also provide mentoring for overseas trained Doctors.

Nursing students
Eastern Medical Centre Nursing staff supervise students from Torrens University Australia.
These Nursing students attend the clinic for two weeks of placement to learn the role of a Nurse in a general practice setting.

Medical students
Placement training is provided to students of Melbourne University, Monash University and Monash University Women’s. Medical students of different year levels attend the clinic over a period of time and learn to engage with patients in a high professional manner set by the doctors at Eastern Medical Centre. The clinic meets the required accreditation standards to provide training to the medical students.

General Practitioner training
Doctors who work at Eastern Medical Centre are accredited Registrar trainers, who have completed various specialised training and workshops. Registrar attend Eastern Medical Centre for six month periods at various stages of their Fellowship training, during this time they gain experience of working in a general practice and the complex issues facing patients.

Eastern Medical Centre involved in the AGPT program:

    • Contribute to the development of the general practice workforce
    • Assist registrars to reach their fellowship
    • Participation in supervisor and practice manager professional development activities